Here's how Potato pumpkin lentil curry will help you in weight reduction
Weight management wants fixed efforts. In case you are somebody trying to shed some further kilos then you should at all times be in your toes. Watching your calorie consumption and likewise sticking to a balanced weight loss plan is the key to an effective weight loss routine. It turns into actually hectic to strike that right balance between taste and health and subsequently, we have to discover an in-between resolution where taste meets health.
Don’t worry it's not troublesome at all. You simply need to choose the fitting components. Like Proteins! As you already must be figuring out, protein is the constructing block of cell and is responsible for repairing the broken tissues and muscle groups. It is also a super-powerful nutrient that helps in inducing satiety and stimulates weight loss. Therefore, consuming a high-protein weight-reduction plan will assist you in losing weight effectively

Before you jump to Potato pumpkin lentil curry recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Heart Friendly Foods You Should Eat.
You already realize that the body needs a healthy heart. Here’s something for you to think about: if your heart is not healthy then the rest of your body won’t be either. You already know that regular workout and a healthy lifestyle are crucial in terms of the general health of your heart. Did you already know, however, that there are a number of foods that can help your heart be healthier? Today, you will find out which foods are good for your heart.
Fish is probably the healthiest food you can eat. You already know this as, by now, you’ve likely been taught to consume fish at least two times each week. This is especially true for people with heart problems or who are worried that their hearts aren’t healthy. Fish is loaded with Omega 3’s which work to process cholesterol and transform it into healthy energy. Try eating fish at least two times every week.
There are plenty of foods you will find that that are great for your body. Without a doubt, the foods listed in this article can help your body in numerous ways. They are especially great, however, for improving your heart health. Begin eating these hearty foods on a regular basis. Your heart will be much better if you do!
We hope you got insight from reading it, now let’s go back to potato pumpkin lentil curry recipe. You can cook potato pumpkin lentil curry using 14 ingredients and 11 steps. Here is how you cook that.
The ingredients needed to prepare Potato pumpkin lentil curry:
- Use 1 large potato cubed
- Get 1/4 pumpkin cubed
- Provide 1/2 cup chana dal dumplings
- Take 1 onion chopped
- Get 3 cloves garlic
- Use 1 tsp red chilli powder
- You need 1 tsp turmeric powder
- You need 1 tbsp cumin coriander powder
- Use 1 tsp cumin seeds
- Get 1 bay leaf
- Prepare 1 sprig coriander leaves
- Use To taste salt and sugar
- Get As needed oil
- Take To taste green chillies chopped
Instructions to make Potato pumpkin lentil curry:
- Heat a wok add dumplings dry roast at first
- Now add oil and fry the dumplings.This is a way to fry dumplings in less oil
- Remove the dumplings and add oil to temper cumin seeds bay leaf and green chillies
- Add onion chopped and garlic crushed
- Fry adding salt and turmeric powder
- Add Potatoes and pumpkin stir fry well until it is soft
- Now add ginger paste and saute well
- Add cumin, coriander powder and red chilli Powder and mix well
- Add dumplings and water and simmer
- Add sugar and mix well
- Garnish with coriander leaves and serve
If you find this Potato pumpkin lentil curry recipe helpful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.