Here's how Fried Rice With Eggs And Curry Leaves can help you in weight reduction
Weight administration needs constant efforts. In case you are someone attempting to shed some additional kilos then you have to always be on your toes. Watching your calorie consumption and also sticking to a balanced food plan is the secret to an effective weight reduction routine. It turns into actually hectic to strike that proper balance between taste and health and due to this fact, we need to discover an in-between solution where taste meets health.
Don’t fear it's not tough at all. You just want to decide on the appropriate substances. Like Proteins! As you already must be knowing, protein is the constructing block of cell and is accountable for repairing the damaged tissues and muscular tissues. It is usually a super-powerful nutrient that helps in inducing satiety and stimulates weight reduction. Due to this fact, consuming a high-protein weight loss program will allow you to in dropping pounds successfully

Fried Rice With Eggs And Curry Leaves
Fried Rice With Eggs And Curry Leaves

Before you jump to Fried Rice With Eggs And Curry Leaves recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Foods That Benefit Your Heart.

You already are aware that you need to have a fit and healthy heart. Here’s something for you to think about: if your heart is unhealthy then the rest of you won’t be healthy. You already know that working out on a regular basis and leading a healthy lifestyle both factor greatly into the overall health of your heart. Do you know, however, that there are several foods that can help you have a healthy heart? In the following paragraphs, you will discover which foods are great for your heart.

Your heart will be healthy if you consume blueberries. Here’s a fact: Blueberries have lots of antioxidants, particularly pterostilbene. Pterostilbene acts much like the resveratrol you will find in grapes. This specific antioxidant could be able to help your body improve its ability to break down the fat and cholesterol you take in. If your body has the ability to easily process fat and cholesterol, they will not amass in your body or cause heart problems. That, in effect, helps your heart be in tip-top shape.

There are lots of foods you will find that that are good for your body. No doubt, the foods mentioned in this article can help your body in many ways. The foods mentioned are essentially good for the heart, however. Try to start incorporating these healthy foods in your diet every day. Your heart will greatly benefit from it!

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to fried rice with eggs and curry leaves recipe. You can cook fried rice with eggs and curry leaves using 8 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

The ingredients needed to prepare Fried Rice With Eggs And Curry Leaves:
  1. Prepare 2 tbsp oil
  2. Use 25 curry leaf
  3. Prepare 3 eggs
  4. Prepare 1 dash salt and pepper
  5. Prepare 2 tbsp dice shallot
  6. Take 1 tsp dice fine red chili pepper
  7. You need 2 cup cooked white rice
  8. Take 2 tbsp light soy sauce
Instructions to make Fried Rice With Eggs And Curry Leaves:
  1. Curry leaves wash and dry it up
  2. In pan with oil quick deep fry the curry leaves for 10 second then add eggs onto it together with the fine dice shallots, fine Chili pepper and season with salt and pepper
  3. Add cooked white rice (or leftover white rice) onto the eggs and season it with soy sauce then fold rice and let eggs set…..Stir fry and off heat once rice is almost crisp at the bottom but not burn
  4. Garnish fried rice with extra crush black pepper and some fresh onion

If you find this Fried Rice With Eggs And Curry Leaves recipe useful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.