Here is how Pineapple Fried Rice with peppered chicken and fried plantain can help you in weight loss
Weight management needs constant efforts. If you're someone trying to shed some additional kilos then you'll want to all the time be in your toes. Watching your calorie intake and likewise sticking to a balanced food regimen is the key to an efficient weight reduction routine. It becomes actually hectic to strike that proper stability between taste and well being and subsequently, we have to find an in-between answer the place taste meets health.
Don’t fear it's not difficult in any respect. You just need to choose the best elements. Like Proteins! As you already should be realizing, protein is the constructing block of cell and is liable for repairing the damaged tissues and muscle tissue. Additionally it is a super-powerful nutrient that helps in inducing satiety and stimulates weight reduction. Therefore, consuming a high-protein weight loss program will provide help to in shedding pounds successfully

Before you jump to Pineapple Fried Rice with peppered chicken and fried plantain recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Help Your To Be Healthy And Strong with The Right Foods.
You already have some knowledge of how important it is to have a heart that is healthy. Here’s a thought: How can the rest of your body remain healthy if your heart is in bad shape? You already understand that regular workout and a healthy lifestyle are imperative in terms of the total health of your heart. Are you aware, however, that a number of specific foods are good for making your heart feel better? Continue reading to discover which foods are best for your heart.
Beans–would you believe it?–are super beneficial for your heart. Sure, the after-effects of eating beans might not be the best for your nose, but they are extremely healthy for you. It doesn’t mean, however, that just consuming beans will undo the damaging effects of consuming junk foods or make your heart better by magic. What this means is that substituting in edamame or red beans for the chicken on your fresh salad or eating a soy burger in place of the hamburger is what you have do. The good news is that beans taste good–good enough that you may not miss consuming beef or chicken.
There are many foods that you can eat that are good for your body. To be sure, the foods discussed in this article can help your body in numerous ways. They are essentially great, though, for promoting a healthy heart. Try to introduce these foods into your diet on a regular basis. Your heart is going to be a lot heartier if you do!
We hope you got insight from reading it, now let’s go back to pineapple fried rice with peppered chicken and fried plantain recipe. You can cook pineapple fried rice with peppered chicken and fried plantain using 20 ingredients and 12 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
The ingredients needed to cook Pineapple Fried Rice with peppered chicken and fried plantain:
- Take derica of raw rice(I used long grain rice)
- Use green peas
- Provide chopped onion
- Get diced carrot
- Get spring onion
- Prepare choped pineapple
- Use sweet corn
- Take red pepper
- Get garlic
- Provide curry
- Get curry
- Use Salt
- Get sugar
- Provide thyme
- Provide veg oil
- Take nut meg
- Prepare black pepper
- Use Soysauce
- Take I big pineapple for plating presentation
- Use Labeled plantain: 1 big peeled plantain and alphabet cutter
Instructions to make Pineapple Fried Rice with peppered chicken and fried plantain:
- Get ready with your ingredients
- Place a pot of enough water to boil rice on a medium heat
- Allow the water to boil,then wash the rice about 3times,Pour into the boiling water,add 1tbsp of curry and 1/2tbsp of sugar,salt,cover it and per boil for 30 mins.Note:do not allow the water to dry off because you gonna separate the perboiled rice from excess's very important.Remove from heat
- Here is the perboiled rice is ready and set aside
- Now,place another clean pot on a medium heat,add 1cup of veg oil,allow it heat,add onion and garlic and stir fry it for 1mins
- Then,add red pepper, spring onion,green pepper,Maggi cubes,stir fry it till done
- Then,pour your perboiled rice in to it,add,green peas,sweet corn,chicken seasoning, thyme,black pepper, 1/4tsp of curry,nut meg and stir them all together
- Add carrot and chopped pineapple, stir together then lastly add soysauce to add more to the taste,stir together.
- Reduce the heat to the least,cover the food and allow it steam then your pineapple FRIED rice is ready
- Now,how I got my Cookpad labeled fried plantain,slice the plantain, then pick one round of plantain, place one of the alphabet cutter on it,cut it out and do d rest of the alphabet,place a pan of veg oil,arrange the cut out plantain on it and fry in a vry low heat
- Then I prepared my pineapple plate like dis
- Serve the pineapple fried rice,so I served mine with peppered chicken and dodo
If you find this Pineapple Fried Rice with peppered chicken and fried plantain recipe helpful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.