So that you is likely to be preparing Stir fried couscous/corn beef soup recipes for your loved ones however this suggestions may be helpful.
Never prepare dinner these items in an Air Fryer
In the previous few years, Air Fryers have turn out to be highly regarded as well as an essential kitchen equipment. Essentially an amped-up countertop convection oven, it is fairly ceaselessly really useful by cooking specialists to arrange frozen food, bake cookies, and even fry bacon, hen and different meats. Air frying is more healthy than frying in oil. It cuts energy by 70% to 80% and has a lot much less fat. This cooking technique may also cut down on a few of the different dangerous results of oil frying.

Stir fried couscous/corn beef soup
Stir fried couscous/corn beef soup

Before you jump to Stir fried couscous/corn beef soup recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Many Of You Might Not Realize This But Coconut Oil Can Have Great Health Advantages To It.

Many individuals don’t understand that coconut oil has a large amount of benefits to it and is actually something you need to be using on a regular basis. You are in addition going to see that there isn’t just one specific benefit that is associated with coconut oil but the benefits can be vast. One more thing I want to point out regarding the use of coconut oil is that it is not only something that can be used internally or externally, it is a thing that can be used for both. In the following paragraphs we are going to be looking at a number of the benefits that are associated with the utilization of coconut oil when compared with other oils.

For those of you who have difficulties losing a few pounds you are also going to see that coconut oil increases metabolism which helps you lose weight much easier. With regards to burning off calories and also burning off fat, you are going to find that coconut oil increases this by up to three times making it easier and faster to lose some weight. Should you be one of the individuals trying to lose weight in America today you will definitely find that adding coconut oil into your daily routine is something that will be able to help you accomplish your goals. And for individuals were trying to lose some weight but feel sluggish all the time due to this, you will find that coconut oil winds up giving you more energy because it is boosting your metabolism.

One more thing I want to mention is that there’ve actually been research performed which show that coconut oil may have anti bacterial an antiviral effects on the body. One of the greatest things you are going to have the ability to do for your body is to start using coconut oil rather than the other oils that you may possibly be using at this current time. There are different vitamin companies right now contemplating the thought of promoting coconut oil as a nutritional supplement, but you are able to begin receiving the benefits from this oil today.

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let’s go back to stir fried couscous/corn beef soup recipe. To cook stir fried couscous/corn beef soup you need 22 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

The ingredients needed to prepare Stir fried couscous/corn beef soup:
  1. You need 1 small pack couscous
  2. Get 1 handful fresh peas
  3. You need 2 small carrots, chopped
  4. Provide 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  5. You need Hot sauce for garnish
  6. Use Teaspoon salt
  7. Prepare 2 tablespoons butter
  8. You need 1 small onion, chopped
  9. Prepare For the soup
  10. You need Half kg spicy cooked beef
  11. Get 1 big can sweet corn
  12. Prepare 1 big carrot, julienned
  13. Prepare 1 small green and red bell peppers, julienned
  14. You need Teaspoon each, ginger and garlic pastes
  15. Prepare Crushed scotch bonnets
  16. You need 1 big onion, sliced
  17. You need Quarter cup vegetable oil
  18. Prepare cubes Some salt and seasoning
  19. Use Half teaspoon turmeric powder
  20. Provide Half teaspoon dry thyme
  21. Get Half teaspoon curry powder
  22. Provide 3 tablespoons cornflour
Steps to make Stir fried couscous/corn beef soup:
  1. For the couscous,pour the couscous in a large bowl,add the salt and butter and stir together.gently pour boiled water over it.once the water covers the top of the couscous, it's enough.use a wooden spoon to stir well until the butter dissolves completely.cover tight and keep aside for 30nins.
  2. Heat the oil in a large sauce pan or pot,once hot add the chopped onion,peas and carrots.stir fry for 10mins to enable the veggies get soft.after 10mins gradually add in the couscous and stir well to combine. Stir for 5nins and it's done.
  3. For the soup, heat the oil in a large pot. Add sliced onion,ginger and garlic pastes,scotch bonnet and thyme. Stir fry till onion is translucent.add water (hot or cold), depending on how much u want the soup. Add the beef and carrot, stir, cover and bring to a boil. Add salt, seasoning cubes, sweet corn,bell peppers, curry and turmeric. Stir and cover to cook for 5mins. Mix the cornflour with some water to make a smooth paste. Use the cornstarch to thicken the soup.
  4. Stir and cook for 3_5mins,on low heat. Serve with the couscous.

If you find this Stir fried couscous/corn beef soup recipe valuable please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.