So that you may be getting ready Hodge-Podge "Clean Out the Fridge" Chicken Soup recipes for your loved ones however this suggestions may be useful.
By no means cook these items in an Air Fryer
In the last few years, Air Fryers have become very fashionable in addition to a vital kitchen appliance. Basically an amped-up countertop convection oven, it is quite regularly really useful by cooking consultants to organize frozen meals, bake cookies, and even fry bacon, chicken and different meats. Air frying is healthier than frying in oil. It cuts energy by 70% to 80% and has a lot less fats. This cooking methodology might also cut down on some of the different dangerous effects of oil frying.

Hodge-Podge "Clean Out the Fridge" Chicken Soup
Hodge-Podge "Clean Out the Fridge" Chicken Soup

Before you jump to Hodge-Podge "Clean Out the Fridge" Chicken Soup recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Coconut Oil Is Actually A Wonderful Product And Can Also Be Beneficial For Your Health.

Coconut oil will be one of the things that can actually help individuals live a longer and healthier life and something you need to begin to use today. You are also going to see that there is not just one specific benefit that’s related to coconut oil but the benefits can be vast. There is one more thing that’s important to understand about this device and that is the fact that it can benefit you when you use it both internally and also externally for your body. Coconut oil is much more beneficial than other oils you can purchase and in this article we will be telling you why.

One more thing many of you may like about this product is that it can actually increase weight loss on account of the point that it increases your metabolism. Simply because coconut oil burns so quickly in your body and provides you with energy, and also speeds up your metabolism you are going to find the you are able to burn off calories three times as fast. The to so for any person on a weight loss system who’s not losing a few pounds as quickly as they would like, you will probably find that a adding this into your diet can be a terrific benefit. Not to mention because your body is burning off calories you’re also producing energy which is just yet another added benefit.

Yet another benefit of coconut oil, although this has not yet been completely proven is that it could have healing affects for example antiviral and anti bacterial. For people that are looking to live a healthier life you may find that getting rid of your traditional cooking oils and replace it with coconut oil can be a great place to start. There’s no doubt that in time businesses will be promoting coconut oil supplements, but now that you’re aware of the benefits this is something you can begin using today.

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let’s go back to hodge-podge "clean out the fridge" chicken soup recipe. To make hodge-podge "clean out the fridge" chicken soup you need 8 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to prepare Hodge-Podge "Clean Out the Fridge" Chicken Soup:
  1. Use Dark-meat chicken 2lbs (I prefer bone on to later make bone broth)
  2. Use Onion- 1/2 large, 1 whole small
  3. Get Carrots- 2 whole peeled, thin circle slices
  4. Provide Celery- 2 whole stalks diced
  5. Use Garlic- 2-4 cloves (or however much you prefer), chopped
  6. Get 3 cups veggies of your choice (I used left over corn, peas, spinach, and mushrooms)
  7. Provide Wild Rice- 1 cup cooked (leftover from our weekly meal-prep)
  8. Take Black Beans- 1 cup cooked (leftover from our weekly meal prep)
Steps to make Hodge-Podge "Clean Out the Fridge" Chicken Soup:
  1. In our house, all soups start with the same basic formula (onion, celery, carrot, garlic and bone broth- Love ya mom!). Gather these ingredients and find a heavy pot (we use a cast iron stock pot), but use what you have.
  2. Prepare your protein (chicken in this case) by searing it in butter or any oil you choose covered (in the soup pot if you want to save on dishes!). This step helps the protein to retain its natural moisture content and prevent that rubbery texture of say…of boiled chicken, yuck!
  3. Remove the chicken and let it cool. Toss it into a bowl, plate etc.
  4. Add a bit more butter/oil to the pot, set to medium heat and toss in the diced onion, carrot, celery till tender (5 mins or so), then add chopped garlic for a minute or two… stirring so it doesn't burn. We stay on medium heat for the rest of the process.
  5. Add stock. Add leftovers. Add chicken. Add spices and whatever else you want to the pot.
  6. Simmer for a few… 10-20 minutes depending on what you had for leftovers. Taste test. Serve hot. (Maybe with an ice cube for the littles)
  7. Enjoy with fam.

If you find this Hodge-Podge "Clean Out the Fridge" Chicken Soup recipe useful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.